Can you afford to do nothing?

The Windows 7 end-of-life deadline has passed, and the implications for those not moving to Windows 10 are both significant and currently underestimated.

On 14 January 2020, Microsoft stopped regular support for Windows 7. It will still be possible to use Windows 7 after that date, but users will no longer receive updates or support — including new security updates, non-security hotfixes, free or paid assisted support options, and online technical content updates from Microsoft.

Despite this, it seems few are prepared for the implications of continuing to rely on Windows 7 beyond the end-of-life date. Research conducted by Microsoft found that 55% of SME’s were “slightly aware” or “not aware” of the Windows 7 end-of-life date, and less than 30% of SME’s had formal plans for the end of life of Windows 7. This has not restricted the adoption of Window 10 though, with more than 700 million devices now using the latest version of Microsoft’s Client Operating System and having achieved this in just three years, it is the fastest-growing version of Windows ever.

However, with many businesses still running Windows 7, what can you expect on the other side?

Doing nothing could cost everything!

Security is the most compelling reason to update. Put simply, PC’s running Windows 7 after 14 January 2020 should not be considered protected.
Such devices are vulnerable to cyber attacks and data breaches. According to a recent report, the average Windows 7 PC contains twice as much malware as a Windows 10 machine. The report also found that only 15% of the total files determined to be malware were seen on Windows 10 systems, while 63% were found on Windows 7 PC’s.

Whilst the implications of allowing the Windows 7 end-of-life deadline to sail past are unpalatable, the solution is a much easier hunger to satisfy — the migration to Windows 10.

A Windows 10 device gives users end-to-end protection to defend businesses against threats as it will be up-to-date with the latest safeguards protecting devices from malicious attacks.

To provide context to all this, it is important to note that, on average, cyber-attacks cost small and medium-sized businesses an average of £1.4m and for larger businesses, the costs are much higher.

Beyond security

This is not just a security issue though, aspects such as productivity and collaboration are also at stake. With Windows 10, businesses can get more done faster. New devices enable faster start-up, better multitasking and have longer lasting batteries than older devices. Plus, modern devices have superior portability, so employees can be productive from anywhere and more easily collaborate with colleagues.

The move to Windows 10 is not a painful process either — Windows 10 is compatible with 99% of Windows 7 applications and this enables businesses to transition smoothly to Windows 10 with the ability to easily integrate existing computers and peripherals.

Overall, no matter which way you cut it — security, productivity, collaboration or ease of migration — if businesses are looking to save money, they should be looking to spend it on Windows 10 first.

If you are concerned about the security of your computer systems still running Windows 7 or are looking to upgrade to Windows 10, get in touch with us and see how Cemoc can support you.

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